Labpoint Services
We make accessible all laboratories and suppliers in Turkey.
Become a Laboratory of LabPoint. You can make your company well known and accessible all over the Turkey by this way. Your customers can reach your services nationwide to have their analysis done.
Create your LabPoint page today to become an institution that serves all over the Turkey.
02Suppliers/Service Points
You can sell your Laboratory Device and Consumables safely through Labpoint.
Moreover, we have created a marketplace where Laboratories are easily order your products by combining all Laboratories under the Labpoint roof as member merchants.
03Analysis Requesters
We take delivery of your sample analysis you need all over Turkey via our company contracted cargo. Then we sending the results. We also provide you the opportunity to find and select the Laboratory that is closest to you or the laboratory who offer the most convenient service to you.
04Looking for Suppliers?
All you need laboratory devices can be ordered in Turkey by choosing one of our distinguished suppliers.
You can buy Laboratory devices and consumables from the closest supplier to you or you can also buy from the supplier who gives you the best offer. All suppliers easily accesible.
Our Exclusive Laboratories
You can reach our exclusive laboratories who specialist in their job immediately.
AZOLAB Laboratuvar Hizmetleri
Nanolab Çevre, Su, İş Sağlığı Güvenliği ve Endüstri Laboratuvarı
Nanolab Gıda, Yem, Su ve Ambalaj Laboratuvarı
ARITSAN Çevre Ölçüm ve Analiz Laboratuvarı
Biomik Tıp Analizleri Laboratuvarı
Standart Laboratuarlar İşletmeciliği A.Ş.
Maylab Maden Madeni Yağ Akaryakıt Analiz Laboratuvarı
Uzman Kalite Eğitim Danışmanlık ve Laboratuvar Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.
ARTEK Mühendislik Çevre Ölçüm ve Dan. Hiz. Tic. A.Ş
LabServis ( Deril Kimya Lab. Cih. ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. )
Talyatest Çevre Ölçüm ve Analiz Laboratuvarı
Laboratories or Suppliers !
Come and Join Us
Choose your membership profile: Free Membership to have your analyzes done; Laboratory Membership to provide Online Analysis service; Supplier membership for sale of laboratory equipments and consumables.
Become a Member Now